PANTS ON FIRE?JUST LOOK AT THESE AMAZON REVIEWS!The never-ending challenges of loveby
Adam on November 23, 2013
Format: PaperbackAn amazing journey through a complex psychological labyrinth of trust and betrayal. As worthy and thought provoking for a man seeking deeper insight into relationships as for a woman.Loved it, devoured it!By Sherry on October 26, 2013
I love this book! I laughed, I cried, I carried it with me everywhere- the laundry room, the kitchen, the car. I literally loved it to death. The cover is curled, the pages splattered with coffee, there’s a dryer sheet for a bookmark. I simply couldn’t put it down. Every woman should read this book and then talk, talk, talk about it with their friends. It’s a mesmerizing love story for grown-ups. Devour it like I did. You’ll never forget it.Sex, Lies and EmailsBy LorenzoLady on October 16, 2013
Arabella Ark, a renown raku potter, uses fire in her art. She also uses fiery language in the tale of Wylie and Ariane, mature adults who ignite in each other a conflagration destined to incinerate them both. Ariane is puzzled by the painful ending of their relationship, but she does not know Wylie has secrets, not only of the heart but also of the mind. The novel is told in detailed emails that reveal the characters and their interactions in lyrical fashion. It evokes, incites and satisfies.SYNOPSIS
Reality and illusion ignite in this love story of intense sensuality. The fictional hero, Wylie Hymen, burns as one of the most innovative artists and celebrated writers of the twenty-first century.
His sexual desire creates “friction,” forging the “back story” of his creative life. Just as Auguste Rodin had Camille Claudel, and Gustav Klimt had his femmes fatales, Wylie Hymen had, among others, the beautiful sculptress, Ariane Altar.
Together, Ariane and Wylie decide to write the biography of a glamorous Jewish refugee who lived in Shanghai during World War II. As they research and fall in love, a mystery from his past unfolds.
Wylie immortalizes Ariane by painting nude portraits of her in peak moments of passion. She reveals her love for him in letters and poems. Together, their sensual correspondence and art make the luxuriant bed of an extraordinary and inflammatory affair where the dualities of deception and perception, illusion and delusion, intertwine with raw carnality.
An intimate and erotic story of loss, vulnerability, and forgiveness, Pants On Fire! reveals the complexities of lives well lived. These artists remind us that memorable art is oft born of incendiary desires, and remains long after the lovers have passed from view.
by Arabella Ark, a ceramic artist formerly known as Gail Bakutis,
living in Hana, Maui
is available in print or kindle on