Kauai Painting Workshop January 3-9, 2017
This is a seven–day workshop, painting during the day in the studio or en plein-air and meeting in the evening for crit/discussion/slides. The weeklong format invites artists to alter their habitual painting methods. Liveliness and spontaneity of approach, brushwork, texture, collage and mixed media techniques, and especially your engagement with “place” are featured issues. As is color—the island’s tropical palette is astonishingly different. It is spectacular. How to incorporate powerful color into your work (whether representational or abstract) is a major challenge to face. In fact, the whole issue of representation into abstraction is another possible challenge to undertake. How can these matters be resolved?—through lots of work, quickly. Smaller formats, works on paper, working in series, sketchbook or journal work are favored.
Registration deadline: November 1st
Contact: Glen Moriwaki