Saturday, October 15, 2016
Ho’ike Holoku Gala by the Kaua’i Historical Society, Smith’s Tropical Paradise, Wailua, 5:30-9:00 pm
Find a vintage holoku or special Hawaiian attire and wear it to this festive evening. Hawaiian music by Polei Palmeira, Kirby Keogh, Edward Punua, Mark Rossi, and Michael Keale. The Kaua’i Historical Society celebrates the times of Hawaiian society balls plus modern Hawaiian fashions, so model your special holoku (or we’ll find someone to model it). Gentlemen, select one of your vintage aloha shirts and add to the fun. No-host bar, heavy pupus, music all evening, hula encouraged. KHS members $55 each; non-members $65; students $35. Reservations online: Call the office at 808-245-3373 or email for group reservations and more information. A fundraiser for the Kauai Historical Society.