Apr 2, 2012 | EKK 2012
Photos on Facebook for March 26 EKK #9; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.369818496392191.90067.173083409399035&type=1 It really was not through any fault of theirs when Sistah Robi and Ku Kahakalau came to do EKK Monday in March 2006 that...
Apr 2, 2012 | EKK 2012
Photos on Picasa for March 19 EKK #8; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.365148256859215.89113.173083409399035&type=1 Troy Lazaro • Photo by Tashi I first laid eyes on Troy Lazaro when he was a slip of a boy, probably still in high school,...
Apr 2, 2012 | EKK 2012
Meet Aldrine Guerrero Photos on Picasa for March 12 EKK #7; Mahalo to Tashi http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.360977633942944.88266.173083409399035&type=1 At the end of last Monday’s program, a gentleman came up and told me how much he loved...
Mar 5, 2012 | EKK 2012
“The Traveling Troubadours of Paniola Music” Photos on Picasa for February 27 EKK #5; Mahalo to Anne O’Malley https://picasaweb.google.com/109766123679939219619/EKanikapilaKakouGuestGordonFreitas#slideshow/5715399666179846226 “Local...
Mar 1, 2012 | EKK 2012
Photos on Facebook for February 20 EKK #5; mahalo to Tashi: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.346338308740210.85168.173083409399035&type=1 Taking a Journey with Vakanui Each Monday as EKK groupees and new attendees step through the doors of the Jasmine...
Mar 1, 2012 | EKK 2012
on Facebook for March 6 EKK Monday; mahalo to Tashi: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.336675913039783.83679.173083409399035&type=1 Guess who is coming to EKK? Statistics and data may sound boring to some, but surely not for those of us who are presenting...